Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lydia’s Preseason Update – Day 3

Lydia Disseler
The first two days of our intense preseason are done and everyone is looking great. We can't all say our bodies feel great because of all the running and playing we’ve been doing twice a day to get our bodies and minds soccer fit. No one is giving up and everyone is playing hard which is making me feel great about this upcoming season. I see the potential of greatness and a team that can win a championship. To help us get to where we need to be, we run faster, play harder, and think a play ahead. We have had two fitness tests, which we all have dominated…and one more to go today!

In between our practices we eat lunch as a team at the QU cafeteria. After our second practice Monday we went to Gengenbacher's Shaved Ice Shack and then had a players meeting at the QU Fitness Center. Tuesday night, Bergie's dad barbequed for the whole team. It was so delicious, some of us where bending over, not because we were tired but because we ate too much! Was much needed after two hard days of practice. Our little get-togethers after a hard days work are nice because it helps our team bond and get to know each other better so that we have good chemistry on and off the field. Tonight's plan is to get together and go to Waffle Cone Wednesday at TCBY and have a Catch Phrase Tournament afterwards.

Lydia Disseler
2011 Senior Lady Hawk

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