Off season training is going great!! The team is coming together and supporting one another more than ever in these off season training practices. Every girl has a hawk partner where they get together two times out of the week and lift to help improve their overall strength on top of meeting 4 times a week as a group to get some good, hard conditioning in together. We are doing activities such as running timed miles, cones, cross-fit (which everyone loves haha), and multiple different forms of sprinting as a type of conditioning. Being a senior this year, and probably speaking for my other classmates as well, this past season flew so quick that we barely had time to enjoy it. It is crazy how this is going to be our last off season practices of our career but it is also exciting knowing that we won’t have to do it next winter ha. This being our last winter conditioning, it makes us realize that we have nothing to lose.

Thanks and let's go Hawks!!!!!!!
Erin Thomas
Junior Mid/Forward
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